

amir mir submitted this entry 7 years ago


The word is almost never used in its literal sense and is mainly used sarcastically to express disbelief or strong negation. For example: If a BJP bhakt says, “I believe BJP has brought real development in India,” you might respond with “Zuk,” indicating that you find the statement absurd.
Dibyansh Mohanty wrote this 1 month ago
The literal meaning of the word Zok is hair around the penis, but it serves many purposes. The word is usually used to express that someone couldn’t care less or disagrees with a given statement. It is a Kashmiri alternative for the hindi slang word “ghanta” which can mean nothing, non-sense or rubbish depending upon the context. For example: Someone asks if you're going to top the UPSC exam, and you reply, 'Zuk!'. or if someone says “what a fielder Hasan Ali is”, you respond with 'Zuk!' expressing disagreement.
Dibyansh Mohanty wrote this 1 month ago
Huzaif wrote this 1 year ago
It's a term used "when you friend says some shit and you could not digest it" Ave zok
Aflatoon wrote this 3 years ago
Actually It is Zokh, zokh means hair growing around penis, Stay clean, remove Zokh by delicate blade
Matty wrote this 3 years ago
zok is everything
NAYEEM wrote this 4 years ago
Yes zok khan is right
Aakash Rajput wrote this 4 years ago
Zok is a word used to refer pubic hair which is terminal body hair that is found in the genital area of adolescent and adult humans. The hair is located on and around the sex organs.
Kashir Encyclopaedia wrote this 4 years ago
Please take Zok Khan's comment in humor - you will get into trouble if you ask for this
Ramzan wrote this 4 years ago
Zok is great especially when its with zazur ,hence the term zok te zazur.
Whenever u come to kashmir ask for zok te zazur.
Zok Khan wrote this 4 years ago
it is a hair near your liyath or goodh
Amir Mir wrote this 7 years ago

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